担当者 | ファーマノフスキー.マイケル |
テーマ | Understanding the English-Speaking World through Contemporary Visual Media |
講義概要 (演習Ⅰ~Ⅳ) |
This seminar is for students who enjoy and want to use media sources—especially English language movies and documentaries—to explore their interests in any area of contemporary life in the English-speaking world. Among the topics most often chosen by past students are those related to popular culture, modern lifestyles, food- culture and travel as well as race and gender issues. In Enshu I, we will look at movies and documentaries that deal with both past and present socio-cultural events that have shaped modern societies. The older movies will be ones that reflect the emergence of the teenager and counterculture; the resistance of non-white people to racism and the movement of women and gay people to end inequality and discrimination. Enshu II will focus on contemporary movies, documentaries and youtube channels that include popular culture expressions and explorations of multiculturalism, modern lifestyles and the redefinition of gender roles and the family. |
到達目標 |
講義方法 | Throughout the two years, there will be a balance of group, pair and individual presentations and reports designed to build your confidence towards completing a longer research assignment or graduation thesis in the 4th semester. |
成績評価の方法 | Grades will be based on group and pair presentations and individual reports. |
系統的履修 | You are strongly encouraged to take Geijitsu Media courses focusing on movies, visual media or popular culture in the 2nd and 3rd year. |
テキスト | The instructor will upload academic and non-academic articles for every movie or documentary that is used by any pair or group or by the entire class. |
参考文献 | None |
履修上の注意・担当者からの一言 | Students should have a strong interest in movies, documentaries or other visual media as a way to understand something that they are interested in. They should be prepared to research and write in English and so should have above average English proficiency. |